Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 4 nominations

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

The week 4 nominations within the Big Brother 26 house had the potential to be gloriously chaotic thanks to the Deep Fake HoH. However, that was ruined the moment that Quinn started to tell other people. By the time Angela actually won HoH, everyone in the house knew that not only did he have it, but he was planning to use it. The guy paraded around the house in a suit today, talking to people and acting as though he was the person in power.

Yes, Angela’s second reign of the season is fairly meaningless … but at least she has immunity at a time when she certainly needed it?

Quinn made it clear before the ceremony what his plans were — Tucker, Cedric, and Makensy were going to be his nominees, and since he can also control the replacement nominee with this power, he was looking towards Rubina at that point. Tucker is the clear target at this point; Cedric is up as a volunteer at this point, with the idea being that there are strong competitors that could thwart him in either the AI Arena or the Veto.

Tucker knows that he’s a marked man within the game, and the narrative for the next little while is going to be how long he can keep a streak going — and also if the bigger alliances will start to break. You can argue that the group of Cedric, Chelsie, and Cam are in control, especially since they have Brooklyn and Quinn with them in the Pentagon. However, there are still a lot of other people in the game and things could end up getting pretty messy. People like Joseph, Kimo, and T’kor are all positioned really well to succeed a little bit later on in the game; they are just trying to lay low for now.

It’s too bad we didn’t get to see the actual “Deep Fake” part of the HoH power on the feeds; that is something that will just based for the show itself.

Related See more news on Big Brother 26 now, including a new alliance

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