Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Quinn’s likely nominations

Even though the nomination ceremony may not have happened yet in Big Brother 26, we already know what will happen. Not only that, but Quinn has already activated, seemingly, his Deep Fake HoH power to go along with it.
Here’s what is poised to happen, based on multiple conversations Quinn has had with players within the house (while putting on a suit and trying to be Kevin Jacobs from Big Brother Canada) — he is going to put up Tucker, Makensy, and Cedric, with the latter serving as a volunteer to go up as a pawn. This way, there is serious competition for Tucker with both of his other nominees and almost anything could happen. Rubina, for now, is being saved as a replacement nominee.
Now, there are some questions as to whether Quinn can use his Deep Fake HoH power to name a replacement nominee, mostly because that was never specified during the on-air version. We do personally think that he can and this isn’t something to think too heavily about for now. Tucker continues to be loud and wrong arguing about it in the house — which we don’t honestly mind given that he’s pretty entertaining in the process of doing so.
We imagine that the official nominations are going to be made later, and what is interesting is that Quinn has tried to sell Makensy that she won’t be voted out. However, what happens if Tucker wins the Veto and then Rubina wins the AI Arena? It is something that, at least for now, you can’t rule out, and Quinn has already made it clear that he will not put up Leah, who is by far his biggest weakness in this game. Him liking her is going to lead to him making moves that are against his self-interest eventually, and she will have no problem nominating him.
Apparently Quinn and Tucker also had some sort of argument already, but (of course) it was off-feeds.
Do you think Quinn is making the right choice with his Big Brother 26 nominations?
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