Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Tucker’s deep trouble… (day 23)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

As we prepare for the end of day 23 in the Big Brother 26 house, one thing is getting abundantly clear: Tucker may be on borrowed time provided that he doesn’t win the AI Arena.

In a meeting with a good chunk of the Collective alliance tonight, it was basically confirmed that if Tucker is on the block following the Arena competition, he gets sent out the door. This is, of course, the sort of thing that is going to annoy the majority of fans out there who like him. Even if you aren’t rooting for Tucker, how do you make the argument that Kenney should stay over him at least?

One of the biggest arguments for making this move from Brooklyn in particular is valid: There’s a good chance that Kenney just walks anyway. Nobody in the game wants to do him the favor, and we kind of think that even if he asks to be evicted in his speech, it almost will not matter. (Tucker’s only hope in that configuration, unless things change overnight, is that Kenney walks out the door before the votes are cast.)

Here is the tricky thing that does come with voting Quinn now for AI Arena: He’s a good competitor. At this point, though, a lot of people have already voted, and it may be hard to shift it over to someone who is pretty terrible in competitions and/or has no real reason to win them at this point.

For the showmance fans…

While Tucker and Rubina have not necessarily kissed, they have 100% gotten pretty darn close to it! Their attraction is mutual, which of course is leading to conspiracy fans desperately hoping that production finds a way to ensure Tucker stays this week. Don’t they love showmances?

This is such a weird situation, mostly given one of the two stars of the season drama-wise in Tucker could go over the worst casting in quite some time in Kenney. In what world is this fun?

Related See more info now about Quinn’s power

Do you think there’s any way Tucker stays versus Kenney if they are both on the block on Big Brother 26 tomorrow night?

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