Evil season 4 episode 12: Is Leslie dead?

We knew entering Evil season 4 episode 12 that there was a chance that something pretty bonkers could happen. Consider where things stood!
Obviously, the trial of Leland Townsend was not going to be one of those events that happened in a simple way. It actually did seem for a little while like we were going to be able to see the character taken down a peg, mostly due to Boggs’ testimony and the fact that so many different things were not going in his favor.
Unfortunately, here is the biggest problem: When you are a guy who has a ton of different resources at your disposal, including demons, you can get yourself out of some pretty sticky situations. You also hold the power and ability to make some tantalizing deals. Leslie was murdered and from there, her absence was enough for the judge to slam the brakes on the case … even though the judge himself is responsible for killing her! (To makes matters worse, he cut off her head … and did we mention that this judge was played by Richard Kind?)
Losing Leslie is a pretty big deal here when you consider the connection that she has to both Leland and Kristen, as she was the surrogate for baby Timothy, who Michael Emerson’s character does believe to be the antichrist. Yet, at the same time, we also do tend to think that Kristen really is going to be the one who controls the future for this character. We’ll see what happens here…
After all of this, doesn’t it feel pretty clear to anyone else that we’re going to be in for a lot of chaos moving into the final two episodes? After all of this, it almost feels like the only way to stop Leland would be to actually take him out.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.