Sunny season 1 episode 7 spoilers: Actions and consequences

Sunny season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

As you prepare to see Sunny season 1 episode 7 on Apple TV+ next week, you are likely aware that we are getting close to the home stretch. We are more than halfway through the season and by virtue of that, are we actually going to get closer to some answers?

At this point, the questions here are plenty — think along the lines of Masa’s whereabouts but beyond just that, whether or not Suzie and Mixxy can really survive the consequences of some of their actions. There are consequences when you get close to the Yakuza, and that has been clear for the bulk of the series!

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So what is it that we can say at present about episode 7? Well, the title here is “There’s Been a Shift,” and the synopsis below at least starts to give you a sense of what’s coming:

Mixxy is sucker-punched by the realities of her friendship with Suzie. Hime confronts Jin.

Is there a season 2 coming?

We know that this may be a broad jump to make from discussing episode 7 but at the same time, we do think we’re at the point in the story where you have to start asking some of these questions. At the moment, there is no official word on whether or not there is going to be more, but it does not necessarily feel as though this was designed to be a one-and-done show. The problem is that Apple TV+ is cutting content seemingly, and this series is offbeat and does not necessarily have the biggest audience out there.

What we’re trying to say here is that if you do really love the show, remember to recommend it to your friends! It has to be one of the more unique and daring stories that we are getting an opportunity to watch these days.

Related Learn more now about episode 6

What do you most want to see moving into Sunny season 1 episode 7?

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