Sunny season 1 episode 6: Why is Noriko in prison?

Sunny season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

The further that we get into Sunny season 1 on Apple TV+, the more surprising you can argue the series becomes. Sure, we’ve learned a few things about our characters this week, but many different mysteries still remain.

Take, for example, a big one pertaining to Masa’s mother Noriko — why did she willingly allow herself to be locked away? What did she gain from this in the end?

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Well, it was obvious from the start of this episode that Noriko wanted nothing more than imprisonment, and our theory at present here is that she clearly knew that Hime or the Yakuza was going to be after her for information. She may have made this move to hide behind bars after calling Do Not Answer back in episode 5, even though we never actually saw a conversation between the two parties.

The idea of Noriko being safer in jail than in the free world may be surprising, but this is how dangerous this world clearly is! Remember that through episode 6, we saw Suzie get tortured and threatened as Hime tried to unlock the laptop. Eventually, Rashida Jones’ character went along with it to save Mixxy’s life … but can you really trust Mixxy, either? That is another thing you do have to ponder over given that the bartender could easily still have her own agenda.

Could Sunny be saved?

That is really the cliffhanger at the end of the episode! While we saw the robot returned back to Suzie, at the same time it was hardly the same robot that it once was. It’s not even operational! This could be a huge part of episode 7, as she 1) tries to get Sunny up and running and 2) works from there to ensure that she can actually track down Masa and learn the truth about both him and Zen.

What did you think about the overall events of Sunny season 1 episode 6 over on Apple TV+?

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