Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony indecision

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

The Veto Ceremony is likely coming tomorrow afternoon in the Big Brother 26 house — so what is it that you can expect to see?

Well, honestly, we wish we had more of a firm answer at this point. There are still about ten different scenarios being juggled and there is a ton of indecision. Some of this is just due to 1) who Tucker wants to remove from the block (he’s talked about saving Angela and putting himself up there) and 2) what Cedric actually wants to do with the replacement.

Early today, it seemed clear that Cedric was going to nominate Makensy and flush out her power. However, he then was persuaded through a Tucker, Cam, and Kenney conversation to target Quinn instead since his power is really powerful. Yet, there are still questions as to if Cedric wants to make that big a move, and also if Quinn would even be evicted in some scenarios. He went back to the Makensy plan at one point, and we honestly think there will be more conversations overnight.

Remember this: Cedric is a risk-averse player, and is going to do what puts him in the least amount of trouble. He’s already told Makensy the bulk of the house wants her out, almost as a way to shirk more personal responsibility if that ends up being the move. We almost think on the basis of that alone, this is what he’ll do and there is still a chance Quinn gets nominated by America.

One other wrinkle

A lot of the women seem interested in getting Kenney out regardless, mostly because he’s done little to have a relationship with them. There is something really funny about the idea of him wanting to quit, only to go when he actually starts making alliances.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including earlier thoughts from the feeds and Tucker’s original plan on Quinn

What do you think is going to happen entering the Big Brother 26 Veto Ceremony?

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