Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Early post-Veto plans (day 20)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Welcome to the morning of day 20 within the Big Brother 26 house! So what sort of chaos is going to be present today?

Well, let’s start by making at least the following clear: Tucker won the Power of Veto yesterday! That means that he can remove himself from the block, where he is up there with Angela and Kenney. There have already been a ton of scenarios discussed within the game as to what could happen heading into the Veto Ceremony tomorrow.

So where does it look like things are going to go at present? It seems like, at least for now, that Cedric is settling on nominating Makensy after the Veto gets used. Tucker is crazy with his game-talks, but we do think he’ll ultimately just remove himself. He just wants chaos, and America’s Veto being in play ensures that this does happen. It is honestly hard to say who America would nominate as a replacement, or if the house would get them out versus Kenney or Angela. Leah is probably the best choice in terms of a player people want out — the other one being Quinn at this point.

After all, Quinn has basically doomed a lot of his game with how he’s handled the Deep Fake HoH power. Telling Angela and Kimo turned out to be a terrible mistake, as she’s hinted around about it for a while and Kimo ultimately told Tucker, who then told Cam, who then also told other people. Now, he’s basically lied to multiple people overnight about having it who more or less know that he does. Even if he never uses it, this lack of trust is going to come back to bite him at some point and it is really just a matter of when.

We’ll see if the Veto plan changes today — but it is worth noting that this Big Brother house is not as messy as ones we’ve seen in the past.

Related Just how much trouble is Quinn in within that house?

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