Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Is Quinn in big trouble? (day 19)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Earlier today the latest Big Brother 26 Veto Competition took place — so where do things stand now? Let’s just say that there has been some game-talk, though a certain percentage of it is truly insane.

Before we get to any of that, though, let’s go ahead and hand out a few reminders for those unaware — Head of Household Cedric nominated Kenney, Angela, and Tucker for eviction, which was the most predictable lineup possible, especially when multiple people volunteered. From there, Tucker won the Veto this afternoon.

Now, here is where we say that the game took somewhat of an unexpected turn. At various times today we’ve heard Tucker discuss either using the Veto on someone else rather than himself. He comes across as a guy who’s just itching to do some crazy stuff and does not care at all about playing a sage game. All of this is in total contrast to Cedric, who is intent on playing the safest game that he possibly can this week. It seems like he wants to put up Makensy to flush out the power, but nothing is altogether certain there.

Where things get a little bit interesting is that tonight, Tucker told Cam what Kimo told him in terms of Quinn having the Deep Fake HoH — another reminder that it can be bad news telling too many people things about your game. Cam then told Cedric, and then later, it felt like they tried to fish the news out of Quinn and he didn’t budge. This doesn’t 100% mean he will be targeted this week, though Tucker suggested it as a possibility since they could get him out without worrying about the power for now. Yet, we do think Quinn has lost a little trust since certainly people knew about the power first.

One other interesting wrinkle that came out tonight was Kimo indicating that he’s crushing on someone in the house — and based on what we’ve seen, it’s probably Tucker. This explains why he told him about Quinn’s power at all. Tucker’s a dangerous player given 1) he has so much charisma and 2) he is always going to make the game harder on himself than it needs to be.

Related Read more on what happened earlier today in the Big Brother 26 house

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