Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Info spreads on Quinn’s power

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We are a little more than twelve hours away from the next Big Brother 26 eviction show airing — so what can we say about the vote?

Well, for now, let’s just say that nothing appears to be changing in an altogether seismic manner. Unless Lisa wins the AI Arena, she is most likely gone. Brooklyn confirmed that directly to us overnight, and she is one of the more well-connected players in the game at this point with relationships virtually all across the board. Lisa has yet to make a compelling argument to stay over Angela or Tucker, who has yet to have any heat on him at all after volunteering to go on the block.

As a matter of fact, you can argue that Tucker taking one for the team right now is paying off in a big way. He’s had some important strategy talks, is trying to get into a solid alliance of around 5-6 people, and was told last night by Kimo that Quinn 100% has the Deep Fake HoH power and that everything Angela said about it the day before was true. (Remember that she’s desperate at this point, and things that she’s got a way to take him down a peg.) Kimo seems to be of the philosophy right now that Quinn’s power is not dangerous to him or Tucker, and they should work in order to protect him.

Now that we’ve said this, here is your reminder to never tell people about this sort of thing in the game — it almost always spreads.

Frustration brews around Kenney

He is not eligible to be evicted this week and by virtue of that, he almost certainly will not be. However, at the same time there is a lot of annoyance towards him in the game at present, especially from Brooklyn, who feels like he is being disrespectful towards the game by talking about missing his family and potentially wanting to leave. We know that it’s exhausting to constantly say “this guy took a spot from someone who legitimately wanted to play,” but it is true. Not only is Kenney wasting a place on the how, but he’s also not entertaining to listen to. He has no real antics and doesn’t seem interested in talking game at all.

Related Check out more Big Brother 26 scoop from last night now

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