House of the Dragon season 2: More Seasmoke, Addam questions

As we prepare for the House of the Dragon season 2 finale on HBO this weekend, there are clearly new faces on the board. All of a sudden, there are multiple new dragon-riders, and one of them in Addam of Hull may prove to be the most exciting. We are, after all, talking about a man who has wanted nothing more than to find his place in the world, and even his relationship with Seasmoke is unique — the dragon chose him! There are not many other instances of this happening.
Of course, all of those also dose pose an interesting question — does the dragon actually think that its previous rider in Laenor is dead? His fate in the world remains unclear, and there is no clear indication as to if he is still out there and alive.
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Speaking to Variety, the man behind Addam in Clinton Liberty indicates that for his character, he can’t quite concern himself with these questions:
Do you know who that is a great question for: Ryan Condal. That’s the guy you need to talk to. To be honest, when I was working on this, all I was literally focused on was the mind of the character, because Addam doesn’t know.
Addam is just chilling — trying to live his best life, trying to go fishing, picking up crabs, walking on the beach peacefully. He doesn’t know any of the politics behind what goes on. So this is an introduction for him to the life of a dragonrider, to the life of what’s going on with Queen Rhaenyra and the rest of Westeros and King’s Landing.
Even in the scene with Addam and Rhaenyra, we see that he’s tiptoeing, he’s not sort of fully answering questions thoroughly. He’s being vague, because he knows that if he answers with the wrong thing, he could literally be lit up in flames, you know? So it’s a whole new world for Addam. And I took that for myself — to not go too deep into the lore of what was going on, and just look at it from the eyes of Addam.
We do think that Addam is nervous that something could happen to him here at every turn, and that could continue into the finale. However, we also don’t think he is going to shy away from fighting, given that this is yet another way to have his impact truly felt.
Related – Learn more right now heading into the House of the Dragon finale
What do you think we are going to see from Addam moving into House of the Dragon season 2 the rest of the way?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.