Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Has the target changed? (day 13)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Some strategy talks have started to emerge from the Big Brother 26 house this afternoon, with many of them revolving around one major question. Who will actually be the replacement nominee, and who is actually the target for the week?

Let’s start by reminding you that Kenney won the Power of Veto, which means that he will remove himself from the block and Chelsie has to figure out someone else to nominate alongside Lisa and Angela. As of this afternoon, it seems like she is going along with Tucker’s offer to be a pawn, which obviously makes sense for her — it saves her having to get someone else angry at her, and that is an important thing to be aware of within this game at the moment. She’s done a really good job as HoH of being logical and not doing anything crazy, and she’s kept that solid in her chats with both Tucker and others today.

Is this move still insanely risky for Tucker? 100%. If Lisa wins the AI Arena competition, it would make a ton of sense to get rid of the possible threat over Angela, who could easily be one of the biggest jury goats of all time. Another possibility is that Angela could quit the game later on if she ends up just being too unhappy, which Tucker floated as a reason to get Lisa out before her.

What complicates matters further is that there was some sort of argument between Angela and Chelsie that happened while the feeds were down yesterday, which is making Chelsie more inclined to get Angela out now. However, she’s still gauging others for feedback and going back-and-forth on it. We don’t see this as a situation where the target is solidified and there are going to be a lot more talks all about it.

Strategically, it makes sense to keep someone like Angela who nobody would ever vote for at the end and is a huge shield. However, you also have to wonder about 1) the happiness of the house and 2) the idea that she could get in a shouting match with you later. These are things you cannot consider!

Related See more fallout from the Veto within the Big Brother 26 house today

What do you think: Should you get rid of Tucker on Big Brother 26 if you have a chance?

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