Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 9: Is Milo still alive?

Mayor of Kingstown season 3
Photo: Paramount+

It is certainly fair to say Mayor of Kingstown season 3 took a great deal of time getting to its biggest reveal of the season. However, at the same time it was totally worth it.

Were you able to guess in advance that Milo was still alive? How the show pulled this reveal off was pretty darn interesting, mostly because it was due to how he was still alive more so than whether or not he was. The fact that we never saw a dead body all season long was your biggest clue, and this character could instead just spend a long stretch of time lurking and/or plotting. Now that he is back, we actually have a chance to see how much damage he could potentially inflict.

So, who is in the greatest amount of overall damage now? It would be easy to say Mike and yet, it is hard to imagine Mayor of Kingstown ever removing Jeremy Renner from the equation when he is such an integral part of this world. Iris may be in big trouble, though we’ve oddly thought that she was in danger for most of the season and somehow, she keeps surviving.

Perhaps for now, the most important thing is that the producers have created a possibility now to keep this story reinvigorated and exciting for a really long time. That could easily carry over to the rest of the season but, beyond just that, also continue onward into a season 4. That has not been confirmed just yet, but doesn’t it have to be now? Maybe we see either Milo (again) or Konstantin removed from the equation in the finale, but it is really hard to imagine some scenario where both of them are gone.

Related Be sure to get some more discussion entering the Mayor of Kingstown finale!

What did you think about the events of Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 9, especially Milo’s return?

Go ahead and let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back — there are some other updates on the way.

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