Claim to Fame season 3 episode 4 spoilers: The Lie Detector

Claim to Fame season 3
Photo: ABC

If the first three episodes are at this point any indication, Claim to Fame season 3 episode 4 is going to be absolute chaos.

Also, isn’t this a cause for celebration really? With a show like this the #1 thing that you should want is for each batch of contestants to find a way to raise the stakes and deliver something totally new that you have not seen before. There’s a little bit of an established framework in between the challenges, the clue wall, and of course the wine bottles. Everything else? That’s up to the contestants, and it does feel like this is especially a season where allegiances are made to be broken and the gameplay is far more cutthroat than ever before. Why shouldn’t it be when the whole point of the game is to win?

To get a few more specifics, take a look at the full Claim to Fame season 3 episode 4 synopsis below:

Alliances continue to form and crumble throughout the house. In the Lie Detector challenge, contestants are put in the hot seat as they strategically answer each other’s burning questions. A shocking betrayal is revealed at the Guess Off.

One of the things that has been fun about this season so far is the WIDE range of clues and how easy and/or difficult certain people are to figure out. Admittedly, there are from our vantage point a few people who are painfully obvious and easy to figure out. Elsewhere, however, there are a couple of others that we’d struggle with until the end of time, were it not for the help of good-old social media that we have watching the show from home.

The Lie Detector game is one with unlimited comedic potential so almost no matter what, you’re sure to have a good time watching. That much we can say with a measure of confidence.

What else can we say?

Well, some other contestants are going to need to step up the drama game with Miguel now out of the running! It seems based on the preview that Naomi and Adam are going to have a bit of a beef, so we’re curious already to see just where that leads…

What do you think we are going to see moving into Claim to Fame season 3 episode 4 over at ABC?

Is there anyone you are rooting for in particular? Go ahead and let us know right now in the attached comments! There will be more updates all season long, so be sure to keep coming back!

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