Foundation season 3 premiere date: A July 2024 update

Foundation season 2
Photo: Apple TV+

Is there any chance at all that we will be getting news on Foundation season 3 between now and the end of July? At this point, it feels fair to wonder, and for a plethora of different reasons.

After all, production for this season has taken an extremely long period of time already, and for a multitude of reasons. There were some delays brought on due to the industry strikes of last year, and then there were also the changes with David S. Goyer departing as showrunner (though he is still involved behind the scenes). It takes time to implement changes, and then also add to this the fact that the series is a rather pricey one to make and then also edit together after the fact.

If it was not obvious already based on the tone of this article, the odds of us getting a former premiere date for season 3 between now and the end of the month are pretty darn low. Also, we’re not altogether sure that we see that changing within the near future. Odds are Foundation will be back at some point in 2025 and if we’re lucky, a small portion of news will come out before the end of the year.

In general, the biggest thing that we can hope for story-wise is that the world of Asimov continues to be built out in some interesting ways and within that, there is an opportunity to see a few different twists and turns. We know that the lore of this show is so rich and full of so much depth, and we really just hope that there is an opportunity to keep exploring that on a certain level. Let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best here, shall we?

Related Be sure to get some more news on Foundation now, including some other discussion on the future

What do you most want to see moving into Foundation season 3 over on Apple TV+?

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