Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 7/21?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Over the past few weeks, we know that there has been a hiatus, which of course was unfortunate given all of the major events happening across the country. Go ahead and consider this a reminder that this show does not shift things around based on what’s happening in the real world. There is a set schedule early on in the year and everyone sticks with it.

Now, of course we come to some of the good news: The hiatus is finally over! It has taken a while to get here, but the late-night comedy show is going to be back in just a handful of hours. Now, you will have to be waiting until 11:20 p.m. Eastern to see it due to House of the Dragon, but better late than never?

As for the sort of content that is going to be discussed throughout the episode, it does feel inevitable that you’re going to be seeing the political headlines from the past few weeks in here — not surprising, given how much of it is fairly historic and unprecedented. With that being said, though, there are still some other questions, including of course if John is going to look at these headlines for the entire show or just the opening. Is this really the week where you do a random 20-minute segment on something no one can predict? There’s a part of John’s “brand” that would probably answer this question with a “yes,” but we will have to wait and seen.

We should note that more than likely, there will be some other breaks before the end of the season, but hopefully not super-soon. Typically Last Week Tonight concludes in November, so at least we should have a rather hefty handful of episodes still to come the rest of the year.

What do you most want to see moving into the next Last Week Tonight with John Oliver episode?

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