Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Angela spirals & a talent show

We are a few hours removed from the first nomination ceremony in Big Brother 26 — so what is the temperature of the game?
Well, for starters, we should note that Head of Household Angela has already spiraled, in particular to Lisa (who she nominated alongside Kimo and her current target in Kenney). Maybe some of it stemmed from how Lisa didn’t want to hug shortly after nominations — but also paranoia. Angela had a long conversation with Leah and came out of it feeling like she was lied to … which is not great news for those who like Leah, who is great live feeds so far. Angela also knows that Makensy was talking about targeting her, so she’s got a good amount of paranoia. At the time of this writing, though, she has settled down slightly.
So will Kenney go if he stays on the block? It feels like it, mostly just because he’s an easy, safe person to take out. There are a dozen or so “alliances” including one with a number of women, and of course amorphous blobs who have a wide array of different people included. We’ve heard about nine-person plans and hopes to collectively make it to jury, but we don’t trust it enough to report. We will say that Angela and Brooklyn are reasonably close, and Quinn seems to be well-liked by a lot of people.
Tomorrow, it seems like the Veto will happen, where the three nominees will be joined by three other players and not the Head of Household. The AI Arena twist is also coming, which could narrow the nominees down to two … and that’s without noting the advantages that Makensy and Quinn have from the premiere, which they have not spoken about on feeds.
As for tonight…
Well, the players have had somewhat of a talent show! This was completely useless to the gameplay but also rather funny, especially with Leah throwing up her hair like she was gone for a conehead / Jimmy Neutron look. The players are pretty fun this season! Let’s hope it lasts…
Related – See more Big Brother 26 news on the nominations from earlier
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