Big Brother 26: What are Deep Fake HoH, America’s Veto?

During tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode 2, we had a chance to hear about the Deep Fake HoH as well as America’s Veto. So, what are these?
Well, let’s start by pointing out that Makensy and Quinn are the two who won the Advantages through the first two episodes of the show, and these actually do sound like they could be fairly significant for their games … at least in theory. We’ll have to see if that turns out to be the case or not. Of course, there is also going to be a regular HoH and Veto this week, so that could make things all the more complicated. It is not clear which of the two players will get the HoH, and which will get the Veto.
We already know there is blowback to these twists, and we understand why. After all, the two were rewarded in a way for making a decision with Ainsley that could be seen as damaging to their games on a strategy level — why let someone else compete, even if it turned out to be a ruse?
If we had to make some sort of assumption on the twists based on the names, the HoH is going to have a chance to trick the other players into thinking that they have some sort of power … could this just be a way to get safety? After all, deep fakes are meant to almost mirror the real thing! Meanwhile, America’s Veto would have a stupid name if America doesn’t have a say in it. Maybe they are guaranteed it, but America chooses if it is used or not?
Hopefully, Sunday’s episode will teach us the rules, while also allowing the two to actually see which power they got for the first time.
Related – Get some other discussion on Big Brother 26, including a few more tidbits from the premiere
What do you think we will see on Big Brother 26 the rest of the way?
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