Big Brother 26 spoilers: Julie Chen Moonves to have larger role?

Here is certainly not something we anticipated heading into Big Brother 26, but we may have nonetheless. Is Julie Chen Moonves going to have a larger role in the events to come?
The first thing that we should remind everyone of here is to (ahem) “expect the unexpected.” Not everything may be as it seems, and that is a part of how the show operates a lot of the time. Take some of what the host is saying with a certain amount of suspicion.
Now that we’ve said that, go ahead and look at the quote below via Entertainment Weekly:
“My bold prediction of something that’s going to happen on Big Brother this summer is I get involved in the game like never before. You’re going to see a whole new side to the Chenbot.”
Our own bold prediction
Julie is talking here about the Chenbot being connected in some way to the BB AI twist, where she could be present in different forms to present twists and the like. It is hard to actually imagine her suddenly having a more direct role in anything after her being somewhat on the outside of most of the game action through the entire series. Sure, we’ve heard all sorts of crazy theories, including that an AI version of her is the secret seventeenth player. This feels like the sort of thing people come up with when they are left to their own devices too long before the start of the season.
Rest assured, though, that the wait is almost over — you are going to see the premiere of Big Brother 26 moving into CBS on Wednesday night. This is a two-night event so at times, it is going to look and feel different from what we’ve had in the past.
Related – There will be a big change for the Big Brother 26 live feeds moving forward
What do you think about Julie Chen Moonves’ new quote about Big Brother 26?
Is it intentionally leading us down the wrong path, or is there something more happening here? Let us know in the comments, and also come back for some other updates.