Evil season 4 episode 9 promo: An algorithm possessed?

Evil season 3
Photo: Paramount+

As we get ourselves prepared to see Evil season 4 episode 9 on Paramount+ next week, are things about to get weirder? Based on some of what we’re seeing so far, it certainly seems like that could be the case.

Of course, it is also crazy to think that this show could get any weirder based on what we’ve seen so far and yet, here we are. Heading into the next new episode it looks as though a computer algorithm, of all things, could be infected with something demonic, and it is going to potentially cause a ton of problems for anyone who ends up hearing it.

Want to know more? Well if you head over to the link here, you can see a preview that does a reasonably good job of setting the stage for what all is coming, complete with what also looks to be more of an impending battle with Sheryl on one side and Leland on the other. This was massively set up at the end of last episode over the whole baptism disaster, and we do tend to think that everything is only going to get crazier from here on out. Sheryl has multiple reasons to do what she is, whether it be revenge on Leland or to try and win some favor back from her daughter.

Given that there are only six episodes to go, we’re not sure how much more room there is even going to be for some procedural plotlines. We tend to think that Evil will be a lot more serialized from here on out, and what is set up in episode 9 will almost assuredly carry over moving into the finale.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Evil now, including what else is going to be coming up

What do you most want to see moving into Evil season 4 episode 9?

How do you think it leads into the finale? Go ahead and let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back — more updates are on the way.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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