Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 4: Tariq kills Salim

Power Book II: Ghost season 4
Photo: Starz

We knew that there was going to be all sorts of messiness at the heart of Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 4, largely thanks to where it stands.

After all, consider for a moment here that we are almost at the midseason hiatus, and leading into that, clearly the producers decided that another body was going to drop. The body we are talking about in particular here is Salim.

In one of his most ruthless moves of the entire season, we saw this week Michael Rainey Jr.’s character off Salim after he tried to some extent in order to protect Diana. What makes all this even crazier is that Diana never told him about her pregnancy, even though either he or Tariq is the father of the unborn child. Tariq, meanwhile, learned close to the end of this episode that she was pregnant and while you can argue this could change his behavior, everything is far from settled. (Diana told him that the baby was his, but that may simply be a tactic here in order to ensure that she didn’t get killed.)

As for what else we got in the episode, we had yet another reminder that the Tejada family in general has the largest suit of plot armor in history. Despite the fact that Dru, Diana, Cane, and Monet have all had reasons aplenty to go to war for most of the season, Mary J. Blige’s character made sure that Cane didn’t kill his brother. Also, she claimed that she was trying to save Diana. (Cane didn’t entirely ignore his mother’s advice, but he did beat Dru to a pulp.)

In looking at this episode in its totality, it feels like Ghost is working at this point to show how increasingly dangerous Tariq is becoming, especially with his operation starting to ramp up. He may be confident, but this may also be a straight line to his downfall.

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