Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 4 video: Monet’s revenge

Power Book II: Ghost season 4
Photo: Starz

Tomorrow night on Starz, you are going to have a chance to see Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 4 — why not dive further into it now?

First and foremost, let’s kick off here by reminding everyone right away that “The Reckoning” is the title for the next episode, and it does seem as though the title here is a reference to what is happening with Monet. Now that she knows the truth about Dru and Diana, what exactly is she going to do about it? Well, to put it lightly, get revenge — and she’s the sort of person who will stop at nothing to make that happen.

If you head over the Broadway World now, you can see another preview right now for what lies ahead, one that is putting front and center none other than Mary J. Blige’s character making it clear to two of her children that she brought them into this world and could easily take them out. They are each clearly rattled by it, but what can they actually do? You see them try and defend themselves, but this clip is ultimately so short that it’s hard to look at this and say that we get anywhere close to answers! Instead, we’ve just got a wide array of other questions over what could be happening from here.

Is it possible that we’re going to be seeing the death of one of the Tejadas before the first part of the final season ends? Sure, and as weird as it sounds, it wouldn’t be that stunning if it was Monet. Think about how few allies that she has on her side at this point. She has a lot of power, but she’s also suffered a lot of losses. For the time being, that is something that you have to think about.

Related Be sure to get some other details about Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 4 — what else is ahead?

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