The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 premiere date: Summer 2024 update

The Lincoln Lawyer season 2
Photo: Netflix

Is there a chance that a premiere date for The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 is going to be revealed at some point over the course of the summer?

Just like you would imagine, there are a number of different things to think about within this piece — yet, let’s start with some advice to be patient. After all, current indicators do suggest that you will not be seeing the series until most likely the start of 2025 — which is certainly a bummer, especially since filming is already wrapped and at this point, these episodes are in the process of being edited.

So why is Netflix forcing us to wait as long as they are? Well, a sensible argument to make right now is that they are simply trying their best in order to space out some of their shows, given that they do have big hits set for the end of the year already including The Night Agent, The Diplomat, Outer Banks, and eventually Squid Game. We do think that they won’t make you wait too long into the new year to see the Michael Connelly adaptation, mostly because there is no real reason to stall on it after that.

For the very reasons that we’ve spelled out already, we would be personally surprised in the event that there is some sort of substantial reveal on The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 this summer, mostly because of that aforementioned premiere-date window. Because we are going to be waiting a while to see the show back, we don’t necessarily think that the powers-that-be are going to be altogether interested in hurrying along any sort of video teasers. Also, this is a really loyal audience — it is hard to imagine Netflix thinking that they need to get videos out there so far in advance to convince people to watch.

Related Learn more about The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 right now

What do you most want to see moving into The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 when it arrives?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are a lot of other updates ahead and, of course, we don’t want you missing them!

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