Yellowjackets season 3 premiere date: A summer 2024 update

Yellowjackets season 2
Photo: Showtime

You may recognize already that the internet is abuzz over Yellowjackets season 3 already. Filming is underway! There have been a few behind-the-scenes teases of the cast and crew back in British Columbia, as well as an indication that more episodes will not surface until 2025.

(Does this include the long-mysterious and almost mythical “bonus” season 2 episode? There are still questions aplenty about that…)

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For the sake of this article, what the primary focus is on what else we could be learning about between now and the end of the summer. Is there a chance, for example, that a premiere date will be revealed? Let’s go ahead and answer that question, since the last thing we want to do here is be in the business of giving anyone false hope: It’s pretty unlikely. If a date somehow does get announced, it would be one of the bigger surprises out there since it’d represent Showtime giving themselves almost half a year to officially promote a new season.

Now, is it possible that they could approximate the date this summer? There’s a far greater chance of that. They could come out and say something like “Winter 2025,” or choose to give a month. January or February does not feel out of the question when it comes to the post-production timeline for a show like this, and they have demonstrated in the past a real desire to try and be proactive when it comes to getting new installments of this story out there. This is arguably the biggest consistent hit that they have, and the wait for season 3 has already been long due to some of the industry strikes of 2023.

What stories are in play?

Well, Elijah wood will be retuning as Walter, and it feels like in the past, we could finally see the survivors get out of the winter. Beyond that, things are quiet … much as they should be. There are too many things that need to remain unspoiled!

Related Be sure to get some more news on Yellowjackets now, including more teases

When do you think that Yellowjackets season 3 is going to officially premiere?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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