America’s Got Talent video: L6 auditions to ‘All By Myself’

America's Got Talent season 19
Photo: NBC

Tuesday night America’s Got Talent is coming back after a week off the air, so why not share an audition featuring L6?

One of the things that we’ve come to know over the years covering this show is that the Philippines is a hotbed of great talent. In particular, that is the case with singers. There’s a great culture of performing in the country, especially when it comes to big vocals and singers with a ton of range. This is where this group comes into play. They are all related — heck, they are made up of five siblings with a niece! They all seemingly live together, and that must give them plenty of time to rehearse!

If you head over to the link here, you can hear the group perform Celine Dion’s “All By Myself” and within seconds, their vocal talent is clear. Why does Simon Cowell then stop them? Well, he hated the track, and wanted them to shift over and do something acapella instead. That was a good move. It is clear that there is a lot of untapped potential here, and we do honestly think they’ll be even better if they move forward as an acapella group and rehearse accordingly. Good on them for being able to adapt on the fly to feedback, and also what was a pretty huge change!

Will they have a good chance in the competition moving forward? Certainly, especially when you consider how much the voting public tends to like singers. However, a lot will depend on song choice and finding a way to really get viewers to relate to them and want to root even harder. This is not something that often happens immediately.

If the rest of the talent on AGT this Tuesday is like this, we know we’ll be in good hands.

Related Be sure to get some more news on America’s Got Talent, including other notable auditions

What do you think about L6 and their audition on America’s Got Talent?

Do you think they’ll be able to go far in the competition from here? Share right now in the comments! Once you do, come back for some additional updates.

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