Power Book II: Ghost season 4 premiere ratings raise big question

Power Book II: Ghost season 4
Photo: Starz

The premiere of Power Book II: Ghost season 4 aired earlier this month on Starz, and we’re starting to be hit with new questions thanks mostly to one thing: The show’s ratings.

After all, remember the announcement from earlier this year that this would be the final season. Also, we have heard nothing to make us think that once upon a time, this was the original plan. The cast didn’t seem to know it was the end of the line while they were shooting, and the whole end of this series seems to be, in part, tied to Starz’s own desire to save a little bit of money with long-running shows. It may also be the reason why Power Book IV: Force is coming to an end before too long.

Let’s get back to the ratings, though, as they do propose some inquiries that are pretty darn curious. According to a report coming in from Deadline, the first episode delivered a grand total of 6.5 million multi-platform viewers in its first week, making it reportedly one of the biggest debuts they’ve ever had. Just from seeing that alone, you do have to wonder why in world you wanted to end the show now, especially if there could have been more story to tell.

One other way to look at it is this: If you are going to leave Tariq alive and in New York at the end of all of this, how do you not still focus on his story? Granted, some of that could depend heavily on what the present-day plans are for the franchise in general. Are there more spin-offs coming set in the present day? Beyond Power Book III: Raising Kanan, the only other series that seems to be on the way here is Power: Origins, which serves as more of an introduction to Ghost and Tommy than anyone else.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Power Book II: Ghost right now, including what else may be coming

Are you still frustrated that Power Book II: Ghost season 4 is the final one on Starz?

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