The Acolyte season 1 episode 5 spoilers: Who is Mae’s master?

The Acolyte season 1
Photo: Disney+

As you prepare to see what’s ahead on The Acolyte season 1 episode 5 on Disney+ next week, there is another question to ask. This one, based on what we’ve seen so far, is tied to the question of Mae’s master.

So, who exactly is this foe? You have to be worried about this and ultimately, there is no way around that given the cliffhanger! Osha and her crew arrived to Khofar in hopes of finding Mae and instead, they found the person responsible for training her. This presumably the same person who eliminated the Wookiee master who was on Mae’s list, and their motives and identity are shrouded in a lot of questions.

Odds are, you are going to find out more information on this person over the next few weeks; for now, though, we can at least share a tease from creator Leslye Headland to Entertainment Weekly that gives some personal insight:

“I find him to be very scary … I think that because this is a show about the bad guys, he is incredibly powerful, menacing, all of those things.”

This is someone that could be dealt with almost immediately in episode 5 but at the same time, are you really going to get all the answers at that point? For the time being, that honestly doesn’t feel like something that is going to be in the cards. The creative team for now seems intent on keeping some parts of the mystery up in the air, and there is a good chance that this will happen until close to the finale.

Of course, there is also another possibility to consider here — even when we learn the identity of Mae’s master, does it really answer everything about her motives? We’ve gotten a taste of why she has the hitlist that she does, but there are a lot of opportunities coming up still to deliver some more answers on that front.

What do you most want to see moving into The Acolyte season 1 episode 5 on Disney+?

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