The Boys season 4 episode 4: A Firecracker ‘preview’

The Boys season 4
Photo: Prime Video

As you prepare to see The Boys season 4 episode 4 on Prime Video a little later this week, revenge could be front and center. Or, at the very least the idea of revenge.

The thing about Firecracker as a character is rather complicated — how much have we actually seen of the real her? SO much of her whole shtick feels like an act, and a way to just generate revenue and attention for herself. She’s not as powerful as many of the other Supes in this world, so she has to find another way to stand out from the pack. That’s where her whole “Truthbomb” show comes into play.

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If you head over to the link here, you can see a new video from “Vought” that features Firecracker effectively setting the stage for episode 4, pushing a hate campaign further against Starlight and asking for the help of her viewers. She also feigns outrage over what happened to Splinter, despite the fact that she barely gave that guy time of day in the time in which he was alive. (Ironically, Splinter’s power could have been far more effective than anything that she brings to the table.)

What is going to happen from here?

Well, it is easy to argue that we are going to be seeing the death of Firecracker before the end of the season, mostly because she just feels like a distraction. Sage wanted her around, but seemingly not because of her effectiveness. If the goal is to turn the world on Starlight, this is a way to make that happen while she can also operate in the shadows, doing what she needs.

Related See a preview for The Boys season 4 episode 4 — what else is going to be coming up here?

What do you most want to see moving into The Boys season 4 episode 4 on Prime Video this week?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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