Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 4 spoilers: An olive branch?

Next week on Paramount+ you are going to have a chance to see Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 4 — what lies ahead here?
Well, for starters, “Rag Doll” is a storyline that is all about Mike trying to unpack what’s happening with bombings in the city — how fast can he work to get answers? Obviously, this is one of those situations where you need to get answers and fast. The longer the process gets drawn out, the more likely it is that you find yourselves in greater danger.
Below, you can check out the full Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 4 synopsis with other news on what lies ahead:
Mike is desperate to confirm the source of a spate of bombings; he extends an unlikely olive branch.
This does feel like one of those stories that could be pretty layered and full of some interesting twists and honestly, would you really want it any other way? One of the good things about this show is its ability to constantly throw different things at you.
Sure, it would be great to see some clarity on a few storylines before things wrap up for the season, including where exactly things are going to go here for Iris. This is one of those stories where it’s been murky here for a good while and it would be nice to see a thing or two change.
In general, though…
It does feel like we are going to be getting to more of the action-packed core of this story sooner rather than later, which we know is what a lot of people care about the most. Jeremy Renner continues to do a great job here as Mike, and it remains remarkable that he is able to do what he is given the enormous physical task that he was forced to endure even coming back to the show at this point.
Related – Get more news on Mayor of Kingstown now, including the chances at a season 4
What do you most want to see moving into Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 4?
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