Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 3: Different sides to Mike?

Mayor of Kingstown season 3
Photo: Paramount+

In less than 24 hours, Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 3 is poised to arrive on Paramount+ — what can you expect?

As many of you out there are more than likely aware, a big part of what makes this show so fun is that there are a ton of different things that you can bring to the table at any given moment, whether it be action, drama, or character development. It also loves to keep you on the edge and speculating about what could be coming, and that is clearly not going to change.

If you head over to the show’s official Instagram now, you can see a video in which Jeremy Renner describes how this season in particular, there is a chance to really show a more vulnerable side to Mike at times. Some of that, the actor argued, is tied to the vulnerability that he’s exhibited as a person following his near-death experience almost a year and a half ago. Another part of it is just a symptom of getting to know a lot of these characters better.

In a way here, you could create the argument that there is simply so much more skin in the game now for Mike since the relationships are deeper. Also, we’ve heard already that whether it be episode 3 or some other point down the road, there are going to be more people from the past who work their way into his life again. as you would imagine, anytime that this happens, there is a possibility that chaos comes along with it.

Be prepared for at least a few heartfelt moments across episode, but also a few surprises, as well. This could prove to be one of the most important Iris stories we’ve had all season.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Mayor of Kingstown right now, including what else may be coming this season

What are you the most interested in seeing at this point entering Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 3?

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