Big Brother 26: Does promo hint at new theme?

CBS has revealed their latest Big Brother 26 promo leading up to the premiere on July 17 — so what can we say about it now?
Well, in true network fashion, they are not giving anything away about the cast — at least for the time being. Why would they, all things considered? They typically don’t reveal anything there until a few days before the premiere — or, at least that is the way things have been lately, and it would be somewhat of a shock to see it change now. Heck, we’d be surprised if the majority of the cast is even finalized at this point. There is so much time to get things figured out there so, really, there is no reason to rush anything along.
What is interesting is what the network did show in their new promo, which you can see here thanks to Big Brother Junkie. There is a rather ominous tease in here about how this season, the walls “will talk.” What in the world does that mean?
In a way, you could already argue that CBS had a “talking” house, at least in the form of the loudspeakers that at times had automated commands. Also, we also heard here and there from executive producer Allison Grodner when there were serious things that needed to be addressed.
What the promo means
Is the show opting for some sort of futuristic twist, or is the house going to be implementing some sort of crazy AI? At the moment, it does feel like there is a chance for any of this to happen, and we are excited to see what will. Of course, we also still would argue that a good 95% of the time, we prefer the houseguests to run the game than to have production barge in and run amok with just about every single twist under the sun. Since when is there any value in doing that and making things aggressively complicated?
What do you think could be going on with Big Brother 26, based on the new promo?
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