Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 2: Will Tariq adjust?

Power Book II: Ghost season 4
Photo: Starz

Later this week you will have a chance to see Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 2 arrive, so what is at the forefront of the story?

Well, let’s just go ahead and state the following: Tariq and Brayden may think that there is an opportunity for a reset here. After all, it seems like they have a truce-of-sorts with Noma, which means that they can go back to school. However, can they really go back after so much has been broken? It is hard to really see that the two are going to have a normal journey ahead, especially with this being the final chapter.

To get a few more details about their story — plus also Monet’s quest for revenge — be sure to share the full Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 2 synopsis below:

Tariq and Brayden struggle to adjust to life as normal, broke college students; Monet wants back into the game and answers about who took shots at her; Noma seeks out an opportunity to expand with the Russians.

Of course, given that we know the truth about what happened with Monet, we are entering a situation now where the story could be all about connecting the dots and trying to figure out what to happen from there.

The big question that remains

Well, it’s a pretty simple one, all things considered — how will the series end? This is so complicated given that nobody in the cast knew during production that this was the final season. It does make us really concerned that there won’t be a proper ending, but that could be something we’re able to discuss more in-depth a little bit closer to the finale — which won’t be for a while, since the show is being split up into two parts.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Power Book II: Ghost and what lies ahead from here

What do you most want to see moving into Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 2?

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