Sierra McClain leaving 9-1-1: Lone Star ahead of season 5

9-1-1: Lone Star season 4 logo
Photo: Fox

It has already been a long wait already to see 9-1-1: Lone Star season 5 arrive on Fox and now, we have another bit of bad news.

According to a report from Deadline, Sierra McClain (Grace) has quietly departed the series after some negotiations behind the scenes. To call this is a disappointment is putting it lightly, mostly because she was such a valuable part of this cast of the past few years.

So why did this happen? While specifics at the moment are not altogether clear, it does feel like this may have a great deal to do with budgetary restrictions behind the scenes. After all, that is something that has led to a number of departures for a number of shows all across the board. This is not just something that has come into play at Lone Star and it is well-worth remembering that.

Yet, within this show trying to write out Grace in particular feels incredibly difficult given some of the key relationships that she has with everyone else within the team. It is another reminder that it is looking more and more like the Rob Lowe series is near the end — that’s something to discuss more in another upcoming piece, but it does feel like the next batch of episodes will be the last. This show, for a wide array of different reasons, feels like it is a victim of timing as well as circumstance; this was at one point an extremely popular spin-off of a show that has a huge audience in its own right. It is sad to think that at this point a year from now, there may be nothing more here.

As for McClain’s future, let’s just cross our fingers and hope that she gets another role soon that is very-much worthy of her talents!

What do you think about Sierra McClain leaving 9-1-1: Lone Star ahead of season 5?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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