Evil season 4: Show EP on opening credits ‘hauntings’

There are so many different things that make Evil stand out as a series, and one particular fun one is tied to the opening credits.
If you have noticed, during the opening for the show on Paramount+ you get a specific warning that if you skip it, some sort of ghost will arrive and haunt you. Per TV Guide, there are actually going to be teases like this over the course of the season that are unique and separate from one another.
So why create something like this? As it turns out, the answer is rather simple — to make sure everyone gets their proper credit. Here is what executive producer Robert King had to say on the subject to TV Guide:
“One of the reasons I hate [the ‘skip intro’ button] is it often skips over who wrote the episode … People spent a lot of time doing this work. The actors did. So to make fun of people who skip titles, even though I will confess to doing it sometimes too, seemed like a good use of our time.”
This is all a pretty fun little practice for the show and honestly, we don’t mind the producers having fun with it. Honestly, in general it seems like there’s more that shows can do to keep people glued to the screen during the opening, and this is probably why shows like Game of Thrones and The White Lotus put so much effort into them. (In general, it is easier for streaming shows and premium cable to come up with fun sequences, as they do not have the same sort of run-time restrictions that you see for broadcast television.)
Remember now that beyond the credits, there is absolutely a lot of fun and super-creative stuff coming! A big part of season 4, after all, will be exploring the relationship that is out there between science and faith.
What do you think about Evil season 4 and its quirkiness with the opening credits?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.