Is Peter Krause leaving 9-1-1, Bobby in season 7 episode 9?

Is Peter Krause leaving 9-1-1 and the character of Bobby following the events of season 7 episode 9? Entering tonight, we were worried — then, we were even more worried once we saw the story play out.
After all, there were moments throughout this installment where it started to feel as though we would be losing the longtime series regular. Typically, this is the time in a show’s run where we do start to lose people and with that, we prepared for that very possibility here. Heck, we actually first prepared for it at the start of the season with what was going on with Bobby and Athena in the cruise ship. It has not really ever left our mind in the interim.
Unfortunately, what we saw through much of this episode was the character lost within a sea of his own trauma, struggling to figure out what was next. He also started to see ghosts, including that of his own dead father. We started getting to the point where we wanted nothing more than for the guy to wake up and realize that somehow, it is all going to be okay.
Luckily, Bobby did wake up in enough time to smell the smoke, and then realize that he did not want to be in that state forever. He was able to leave the house with Athena, but the problem was that as the fire blazed on the inside, she fell unconscious. He was able to bring her back; but after that, it was him that fell on the ground.
Now, this is our cliffhanger — Bobby’s fate is in jeopardy leading into the finale. He was able to save Athena, but is the 115 going to save him? The promo for what’s ahead indicated that he is currently on a ventilator and with that, there is no guarantee that he will make it out of this situation alive…
What did you think about the events of 9-1-1 season 7 episode 9?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember that there are some other updates on the way here all season.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.