Wild Cards renewed for season 2 at The CW; premiere date hopes

In the midst of the recent cancellation news at The CW, they have gone ahead and renewed another show from the past year: Wild Cards.
Are we surprised about this? Hardly, as the first season proved to be one of the bigger success stories under the network’s new strategy. The Vanessa Morgan – Giacomo Gianniotti series is a co-production with CBC out of Canada, and a lot of CW series are likely to be funded this way moving forward. If such an arrangement existed with Walker, it would probably be going strong.
In a statement, here is some of what Liz Wise Lyall, head of scripted programming at The CW, had to say:
“We are thrilled to order a second season of The CW’s breakout series Wild Cards … Wild Cards has clearly captured the imagination of our viewers thanks to exhilarating storytelling and the crackling chemistry between Vanessa and Giacomo. We are confident Wild Cards is the kind of smart and sexy blue-sky drama that could continually build its audience for years.”
According to a report from TVLine, the second season will run for 13 episodes, an increase from the ten episodes that we got for the first go-around.
The reason why The CW loves a show like this is rather simple — it appeals to a wide demographic, and also has a semi-procedural format that allows for audiences to come in at any point and understand roughly what is going on. This is ideally what the show could do for however long that it lasts, and it feels rather clear to us that we are going to be getting a season 3 if it continues on this same trajectory.
If there is any bad news if you love Wild Cards, it is simply that you are going to be waiting a long time to see the next chapter. For now, we do not foresee this series coming back until we get to 2025.
What do you think about Wild Cards being renewed for another season?
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