When Calls the Heart season 11 episode 8: On Jacob’s arrival…

If you have seen the previews already for When Calls the Heart season 11 episode 8, then you know that Joseph has a big story ahead. His brother Jacob will be visiting Hope Valley and by virtue of that, opening up some old wounds that we’ve heard a little bit about in passing of late.
So what really happened? That remains a little bit of a mystery, but it does feel like it’s about to be explored. Speaking to TV Insider, here is some of what Viv Leacock (who plays the Canfield patriarch) had to say:
“It’s going to be something that Joseph has to meet head-on, so to speak … For me, the dynamic as to what the miscommunication was and is actually, it’s pretty rooted in siblings and how, depending on where you are in the order of siblings, you interpret things and what it all means. To come in to find out what the problem actually was, I really love how we ended up handling it because it lets you know that sometimes little things mean a lot. You might not think that thing you said or that thing you did could possibly have the repercussions that they do.”
What is also so interesting is that as a man in general, Joseph is someone who often practices forgiveness — so what makes this situation so different? We do tend to think that we’re looking at something that is akin to a snowball effect, where one thing spirals out of control and eventually, you do not know how to control or feel about it anymore.
Hopefully, this hour does give Joseph and his whole family a little bit of closure — and that could open the door for his brother to come back down the road.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on When Calls the Heart right now, including what else is coming
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