Sugar season 2: Show EP on Henry’s present, future

Sugar season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

At this point, it is clear within the world of Sugar who a central adversary is if the show comes back. How can it not be Henry? It feels pretty clear that in some ways, he is tied to what happened to John’s sister Djen. Not only that, but he is also someone who seems to be involved in watching humans do some unspeakable things.

Insofar as what we’ve known about aliens within this world, Henry is an outlier … but is he really? Or, is he representative of a larger problem that Colin Farrell’s character does not want to acknowledge?

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Based on what we are hearing right now, it feels like we should not view all aliens as being as conniving or terrible as Henry has shown to be. Instead, consider him a problem that the other aliens simply have not known what to do with as of yet. In speaking on all of this further via TVLine, here is more of what executive producer Simon Kinberg had to say about some of what we saw from Henry near the end of season 1:

Well, I think it casts a sinister pall over Henry. What we talked a lot about is that aliens would have, for lack of a better description, bad apples the same way humans would. As we imagined it, he was their first bad apple, and they were scrambling as a community to figure out how to manage something they had never handled before, and they handled it, in some ways, the way humans would, which is that they bungled it a little bit. And they didn’t know how to handle amorality among their, let’s call it, race or species. We wanted in some ways the alien experience to resemble and start to reflect human experience as well. So creating a bad guy who was an alien, but not the aliens all being here to invade us or have some larger sinister plot… They didn’t have a sinister reason for being here. There just happened to be one guy who got a little too close to the subject of humans and became fascinated in ways that were perverse and violent and nefarious.

Will we learn more about the aliens in season 2? That feels likely and yet, it also does not feel like the show is going to fundamentally shift from what we’ve seen in the first season. This is a noir first and foremost, one that does have some sci-fi elements.

Related See more about what the Sugar producers are saying regarding a season 2

What do you think we could see from Henry moving into a Sugar season 2?

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