Station 19 season 7 episode 9 spoilers: The last before finale

Next week, Station 19 season 7 episode 9 is going to air, and of course there are a lot of things to be excited about in advance here!
So, where do we start? Well, the title for this particular installment is “How Am I Supposed To Live Without You,” which absolutely is a mouthful to say. The story itself seems to be making a pretty direct beeline for the series finale; not only is this the penultimate episode, but it seems like events are going to carry over from this one to what lies ahead on May 30. As a matter of fact, there could even be some carryover into the Grey’s Anatomy finale at the same time!
Below, the Station 19 season 7 episode 9 synopsis gives you a little more insight all about what lies ahead:
When a wildfire threatens Seattle, the crew must jump into action to save their city. Meanwhile, as the station undergoes changes, Andy contemplates the future.
At this point, it obviously makes a great deal of sense for the writers to put together what is the biggest and most dramatic episode of the season, especially when it comes to a really dangerous fire. This is a way for them to build up intensity and create even more fears that anyone could die. Given that there is no season 8 (sadly), the writers have an ability to be a bit more flexible.
For now, it really just seems as though there is one thing we can promise: The writers are not going to be shutting down the station. There is a chance that the station could at least play some sort of role in Grey’s Anatomy moving forward, even if that is hardly a replacement for a show a lot of us have watched for so long.
What do you most want to see moving into Station 19 season 7 episode 9?
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