Interview with the Vampire season 2: More on Claudia’s ‘rage’

As you prepare yourselves to see the season 2 premiere of Interview with the Vampire this weekend, you may know there’s a new Claudia. Delainey Hayles is stepping in for the part originally played by Bailey Bass, just as the character is stepping into a whole new world.
At the start of the new batch of episodes, we have a chance to see Claudia and Louis (Jacob Anderson) traveling to Europe, where they are going to arrive at a number of trials and tribulations. We imagine that they will find some triumphs here and there while exploring parts of the ancient world; yet, there are also some difficult revelations buried underneath so many of them.
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In speaking on all of this further in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, here is some of what Hayles had to say about a specific emotion that her character feels moving forward:
“Lestat [Sam Reid] touches on it in season 1, this vampire loneliness, but when he talks about it, in my opinion, he’s coming from a place of privilege to be like, ‘I’m lonely.’ He’s never really felt the loneliness that I believe Claudia has felt. You have this woman trapped in a child’s body, nobody understands her circumstance, she doesn’t even understand it herself, so that’s what I wanted to focus on, and the rage behind it.”
Without a doubt, this is a difficult place for someone to be. Mortal characters will not take her seriously because of her age; meanwhile, she is also still young compared to more ancient vampires. Where does she fit in to this world? That’s not an easy thing to understand, and it is a part of what makes this story so unique even in a sea of other vampire-related shows and movies.
Related – Want to learn more on Interview with the Vampire season 2, courtesy of the cast?
What do you most want to see moving into Interview with the Vampire season 2 over at AMC?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.