Interview with the Vampire season 2 video: Attention to detail

In just a handful of days, Interview with the Vampire season 2 is finally going to arrive and honestly, we could not be more excited. This has been a long time coming and now, we are ready to see the next chapter of Louis’ story.
If there is one thing we can say about Jacob Anderson’s character now, it is this: He wants to be thorough. This is someone who very-much wants to tell a version of this story that is as accurate as humanly possible.
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Want to know more? Well, in the new video over here, Louis indicates to Daniel Molloy his hope of making sure that everything is hammered out and clear. He wants to appear unbiased and by and large, we do think that he will be. This is going to be a pretty crazy batch of episodes, without a doubt, as you are going to follow Louis and Claudia over to Europe. They may think at first that they are moving on from Lestat but in reality, his shadow follows them everywhere. He will continue to be a big part of their story, regardless of whether or not this is something that they want.
Through many of the upcoming episodes, you will see the two characters find their place and start to learn more about themselves — though at the same time, new struggles with emerge. There is another romance coming in the form of Louis and Armand, one that will continue moving into the present. Suffice it to say, this is one that is going to look and feel rather different from anything that went on with the Louis – Lestat relationship in the past.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Interview with the Vampire right now, including more from the cast
What are you most want to see moving into the premiere of Interview with the Vampire season 2?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.