Miss Scarlet season 5: First look at Tom Durant Pritchard

For those who have not heard yet for whatever reason, there are going to be big changes when it comes to Miss Scarlet season 5. Namely, this will be a chance to see Tom Durant Pritchard step in to a very-much important role.
At the end of season 4, we saw the departure of Stuart Martin as William a.k.a. the Duke — with that, the show now has a formal title change. Alexander Blake (played by Pritchard) is a new man on the scene who will collaborate with Scarlet, and we imagine that their dynamic will be all sorts of complicated in the early going. Blake is described as follows:
“[A] handsome former soldier and respected detective inspector who joins the force at Scotland Yard to replace William “The Duke” Wellington who has gone to America. Shortly after he starts his new job, he meets private detective Miss Eliza Scarlet (Kate Phillips, Wolf Hall:The Mirror and The Light). He’s not particularly shocked by a woman working as a private eye, so Eliza takes this to mean she’ll be given more cases. But their relationship gets off to a rocky start since Blake has decided not to allow private detectives to aid in his investigations.”
If you head over to the link here now, you can see a new video in which Phillips does her part to introduce Pritchard to the show and the fanbase.
When will we see the new season premiere?
It remains to be seen! There are a lot of possibilities out there but for now, our sentiment is that we’re going to be seeing the show come on at the start of 2025. There is no real reason to rush things along and while we think there will be a lot of people sad about Martin’s exit, they will be willing to give the new lead a chance. It may just take some time before we are fully accustomed to the swap here.
What are you hoping to see moving into Miss Scarlet season 5?
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