Station 19 season 7: ABC sets stage for 100th episode

Tomorrow night on ABC you are going to have a chance to see the 100th episode of Station 19 — is it fair to call it bittersweet? We tend to think so. It’s awesome that the show has reached this milestone, especially since so few others in the entertainment world manage to do so.
However, at the same time this is where you also have to remember that this is the final season and after this episode airs, there are only five more. Because of this, basically any trip down memory lane that we go on is going to be full of its fair share of emotionally fraught moments.
If you are so inclined to take a look back at the entire journey so far, head over to the link here — that is where you can see a retrospective that does really take a look at a lot of the major events over the years. The run of the firefighter drama has been full of highs and lows. We’ve seen career victories, crossovers, and weddings, but also deaths, dismissals, heartbreak, and a whole lot more. Being a firefighter can be immensely rewarding but at the same time, there are a wide array of other complications that come along with it.
As we move forward through the rest of the episodes, we know that there will be a mixture of more proud moments for some of these characters alongside some heartbreak — this show has always produced a mixture of the two things. The one silver lining we can give through it all is that there is no real plan for the show to shut down the station; it is going to live on following the series finale, so there is a chance for other crossovers in due time.
What do you most want to see moving into Station 19 season 7 and the big 100th episode?
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