Station 19 season 7 episode 5: Could Ben Warren die?

As we prepare to see Station 19 season 7 episode 5 over on ABC, we understand you having a ton of different questions. What’s a big one? Well, think about the fate of Ben Warren.
Just remember what was present in the promo, where we saw Jason George’s character offering up some sort of goodbye if he doesn’t make it out of his present predicament in one piece. We know that there is a crisis during this episode that is tied to one of the biggest landmarks in Seattle, and it is not that hard to assume that we’re talking here about the Space Needle.
So would the writers really kill off a character this close to the end of the show? It’s possible, but we also have a hard time 1) thinking that it would be Ben and 2) thinking that they would tease it in a promo if it was really happen. If there is 100% a character that is going to live on after the show in some way, it’s going to be him! The question is how much you feature him on Grey’s Anatomy after the fact if he remains a firefighter. Is there a proper way to balance some of that out? If he’s not a series regular, there is also the notion that we’ll see George land another job elsewhere, which would make a good bit of sense.
For now, though, let’s just remind everyone out there that even close to the end, it’s clear that Station 19 still wants you to be as worried as possible. While we do think that we’re eventually going to build towards some sort of happy and hopeful ending, there will be a handful of bumps in the road along the way. Whatever happens during episode 5 is not going to be the final one.
Related – Be sure to get a few more details about this Station 19 episode right now
What do you think we could be seeing on Station 19 season 7 episode 5?
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