Curb Your Enthusiasm series finale: Does the ending matter?

As many of you know, the Curb Your Enthusiasm series finale is poised to air in a matter of 24 hours and with that, of course, will come a lot of questions. Some of them, invariably, are going to be all about the ending.
How is this show going to tie everything together? Probably with Larry David getting himself in trouble after doing something absurd. We don’t think of this as some enormous, jaw-dropping reveal — instead, we think that we’ll get something not that different from anything else we’ve seen over the years.
Is that okay? In a word, absolutely — and it would honestly be strange to think anything different. This is one of those shows that has had a pretty clear sense for some time as to what it is. You watch Larry yell at service workers, get in trouble, and then eventually try to shrug everything off. It’s always been chaotic, and Larry has also shown himself to be as defiant, both as a character and an actor, as anyone else out there. It’s one of the reasons why he went after Elmo on The Today Show!
If Larry just decides to mimic the ending of Seinfeld here, don’t be shocked — that would totally be his brand. The same would be just doing a normal episode.
Over the past week or so, we tend to think that the world has gotten a tad too obsessed with this idea of whether or not the show will nail its final episode. If the legacy of truly great comedies have taught us anything, it’s this: The ending doesn’t matter all that much. It’s the path leading up to it that truly does.
What do you think we are going to see when it comes to an ending for Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO?
Do you think it matters that much? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are a lot of other updates ahead.