Sugar season 1 episode 3 preview: Does knowledge equal power?

As we prepare ourselves to see Sugar season 1 episode 3 arrive on Apple TV+ in the near future, we find ourselves in an interesting place. We are certainly intrigued by what lies ahead, but also rather frustrated. Why? Because thanks to the press around the show, we feel like we know more than we should.
After all, through a lot of the press that is out there for the Colin Farrell series, there has been conversation about a huge twist that is going to be coming at some point down the road. This is being thought of as the sort of thing that could either shock viewers or completely derail the story. Is it fun to know that this show is taking big leaps? Sure, but we’re also concerned about the effectiveness of throwing out there to people that one of the biggest twists ever is going to be on the way.
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Consider it like this: We watched the first two episodes of Sugar completely unaware of some of the discourse that is out there about it. Now, we’ve seen it — mind you, we don’t know what the twist is, but there are so many claims that it’s one of the biggest shockers in recent memory.
So now, we find ourselves preparing to watch ahead with that in mind, and it remains to be seen whether or not that’s a good thing. Is it a distraction? It certainly feels that way, mostly because now, you have to spend your time watching this mystery and wondering when the other shoe is going to drop. This will be a challenge for the next couple of episodes … or at least however long it is until this twist comes out.
Related – See what Farrell himself had to say about the twist
What do you most want to see moving into Sugar season 1 episode 3 on Apple TV+?
Does knowing about this twist either help or hurt the show moving forward? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are more updates on the way.