Son of a Critch season 4: Is it renewed, canceled at The CW?

Following the season 3 finale on The CW, is there a chance that a Son of a Critch season 4 is going to be announced? Or, is this going to be the end of the Canadian comedy?
Well, we know that a show like this has a reasonably complicated future, largely due to the fact that it is a co-production and there are a number of people who have to sign off on making more of it. However, at the same time consider us hopeful! We have no reason to think that this show has to come to an end just yet, at least if the budget is there and there’s enough enthusiasm from executives both stateside and north of the border.
Perhaps the biggest obstacle here is actually premise, mostly because we are dealing with what is effectively a coming-of-age story … and that is the sort of thing that has a shelf life. How long do you want to focus on it?
If this was a typical CW show, we would sit here and say that there is a pretty good chance that we’d get some official news at some point over the next month / month and a half. However, the arrangement here does raise a lot of other questions, and for now, the best thing that we should do is be patient. There is a dedicated audience here who loves this story, so is this enough?
If you haven’t caught the series yet, just know that there are three seasons out there and all of them, in one form or anything, is very much worth checking out. Let’s just hope that if there is a season 4, it can have a chance to perform better than ever after more and more people become aware of it.
Do you want to see a Son of a Critch season 4 renewal down the road?
Beyond just that, what do you want the story to be? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates ahead and we don’t want you to miss them.