Curb Your Enthusiasm series finale spoilers: Consequences coming

As you prepare to see the Curb Your Enthusiasm series finale on HBO in just a matter of days, one word tends to stand out: Consequences. They are coming for Larry David, and they could be coming in a number of different ways.
So is this show about to pull the same thing that we saw on the Seinfeld series finale in the past? Let’s just say that we would not be surprised if something like that happens, but we also don’t think it will be a complete replication. Just staging a carbon copy feels lazy, but we do also like the idea of Larry getting a certain element of comeuppance — not that he thinks he deserves it. Somehow, life just goes on for the fictional version of this guy, even if he does a lot of terrible things almost constantly.
Speaking in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, here is some of what executive producer Jeff Schaffer had to say about the show as a whole, and you could read this as evidence of what may be coming up next:
“Things come back to haunt Larry every week. His life is a comedy haunted mansion, everything boomerangs.”
Moving into the series finale, what we do know already is that Larry is going to be in court in Atlanta over what he did during the election. He’s being treated as a hero, but the issue is that he didn’t know he was doing anything heroic at all. It is not altogether hard to figure out why things are going to end up being messy, given that he can deflect, be defensive, or point the finger at other people. The only thing we would assume entering the finale is that somehow, he will try to make a terrible situation for himself where there didn’t need to be one.
Related – Be sure to get some additional updates on Curb Your Enthusiasm right now
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