Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 10: The verdict

As you get yourselves prepared to see Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 10 over on HBO next week, one thing stands out — this is the series finale. Not only does “No Lessons Learned” have to bear the responsibility of tying up all of this season, but you have to throw the entirety of the series in there, as well! That’s not an easy thing for Larry David and the cast to do and yet, we’re sure that they have a plan.
For now, we can at least say that some of that plan is tied to the arc that we’ve seen for much of the season with him and Atlanta. Is he about to go to court? Well, you can argue that this makes the most sense, given that his trial over the election law should be coming up. So far, most of the preparation for it has gone badly, mostly due to the fact that he is a largely unlikable person who cannot make friends with anyone.
(Of course, sometimes Larry does find a way to weasel his way out of tough situations — if there is a reason to think that he’s going to be okay at the end of all this, it may be this.)
Want to get some more news all about what’s to come? Then go ahead and check out the full Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 10 synopsis below:
Larry returns to Atlanta, where he gets involved in Richard’s love life and reveals a secret about Cheryl.
Are there going to be a ton of laughs?
That feels like a given, and we will say that in general, the plan here for the rest of the series is probably not that different from everything that we’ve seen so far. There is no reason to think that the creative team is going to kill off Larry David or do anything else crazy here — they may just tie up all the remaining loose ends in a way that surprises almost no one.
What do you most want to see moving into Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 10 when it arrives on HBO?
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