9-1-1 season 7: Jennifer Love Hewitt behind Bachelor crossover

Amidst all the rescues that you see coming up on 9-1-1 season 7, one is going to feel a little unique. Thank Bachelor Nation for that.
There isa good chance you’ve heard over the past few weeks that the scripted first-responder show is going to “cross over” with the reality franchise for at least one storyline later this season. We personally don’t think it will be anything more than a one-episode subplot, but do you really need anything more? With the two shows airing on the same network, the synergy makes sense. Also, the Bachelor Mansion (where the crossover is set) is out within the jurisdiction of the 118.
What makes all of this even more fun is that much of it seems to be star Jennifer Love Hewitt’s doing. Speaking to The Wrap, executive producer Tim Minear explained how her love for the show helped to make it happen.
“She’s a huge ‘Bachelor’ fan, just like Maddie is on the show … She called me after hanging out with some of the ‘Bachelor’ people and she’s like, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if the 118 had to respond to an emergency at the ‘Bachelor’ mansion?’ I was like, ‘No brainer.’
“It felt like something that could live in the universe of our show … ABC was on board, Warner Bros. [TV studios, who produce The Bachelor] signed off and the ‘Bachelor’ people were unbelievable.”
Given that there are some characters within the 118 who have been unlucky in love sometimes, could they give the show a chance? We kid, we kid … don’t come at us! Anyway, this is just a smart way for the show to get a few more viewers on the night that this episode airs, which is typically a good thing after a big change like moving to a new network. You need to find a way to both keep most of your old fans, while bringing in new people at the same time.
What are you most excited to see within this 9-1-1 – The Bachelor crossover?
Do you expect anything in particular in this other than some fun Easter eggs? Share below and also, come back for some additional updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.